Wednesday, May 28, 2008

4 weeks old today!

Last night was SO great. Trey slept and woke up only every 3 hours. Once 5am rolled around, he really wanted to get up, but bad mommy that I am, I made him go back to sleep for another hour or so. If I really had to, I would have gotten up, but since I wasn't going to work today, I snuggled in bed with the dog. Thank god I can drink coffee again. I never appreciated it as much as I do now!

Trey smiled at me today and I SWEAR he knew what he was doing. I was singing the ABC's to him and he made some happy sounds and had a huge grin on his face. He also likes it when we give him eskimo kisses--he apparently likes having his nose touched. Patrick is always beeping him on the nose and Trey makes faces at him.

Currently, he's sleeping in my arms. My shoulder is killing me, but I don't want to put the little stinker down. I mean, he's only going to be 4 weeks old once, right?

Tomorrow, he'll be attending his first official Rose Festival event. We have the opening ceremonies, which includes a small busker parade, which we'll be walking in. Well, Trey will be rolling along in his stroller. Then, later, we are going to walk around Waterfront Village. We won't be going on any rides, but daddy might. Of course, Trey will have the job of just being super cute and being oohed and ahhed over by the Rose Festival staff and Princesses. Aw.

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