Wednesday, July 16, 2008

bathroom time

I'm a terrible blogger. It's just because our computer crashed, then I went back to work and haven't thought about the blog until just this second. At any rate, this kid is gigantic now. I was washing the car seat cover last night and as I was taking it off the instructions said that babies 25 inches or more should not be using that carseat. Um, Trey was 24 inches at his last dr's appt almost 4 weeks ago. So do we need a new carseat ALREADY? He doesn't weigh so much--he was 11 lbs, 2 oz at his 2 month old appt, so he must be 2-3 lbs more now? Mr. Long-and-Skinny.

He's practically laughing now--I'm just waiting for him to burst out one of these times. We just bought him a glo-worm, which makes him grin like crazy and his face looks like it's laughing, he just doesn't make the sound.

Next on the agenda for Trey is adjusting to the workplace. He's usually pretty good and has been on a wonderful schedule, but that went a little haywire this week for some reason. He's been crying in the afternoon for no apparent reason (besides wanting to go home, probably) and making me absolutely nuts. Good thing we have to leave by 3pm. As happy as I am that I get to bring him to work, he makes me absolutely exhausted. I have him all day long, get home and have more mommy-Trey time so daddy can study, then I feed him and put him down at night. I know kids are a lot of work, but I really relish my bathroom time.

Oh, and Trey has a new girlfriend. Some friends of ours had a baby on June 30, a little girl named Greta who was almost exactly the same size as Trey when he was born. They are so cute together! I'll post some photos when I get them. Trey is about twice her size, and it seems really incredible that he was once her size. So tiny!

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