Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Car riding HELL

Many babies apparently enjoy riding in the car and often, even fall asleep in their carseats, much to the delight of their parents. Unfortunately, for us, riding in the car results in tears, headache (for mom), and major guilt. Trey SHRIEKS his head off as soon as I put him into the carseat, and full on WAILS as soon as the car starts up. It sounds like we are torturing him. I've attempted to loosen the carseat straps, hang stuff up for him to watch/play with, I even sing the ABC's to him for the entire trip. I sing them so many times I sometimes forget the order. So I add my own words. . .(sang to the tune of the ABC's) "I wish you would stop crying. you're giving mommy a crazy bad headache. don't you love me? why do you scream so much? it's just a car ride. mommy loves you, but can't wait until you scream yourself to sleep," and on, and on, and on.

I am stressed every time I need to drive somewhere. If I could walk everywhere and just carry him in the baby bjorn, life would be so much less stressful.

Recently, one of my rear windows would not roll up, as a result of an installation gone wrong (2 years ago). I thought I'd be able to have it fixed the same day, preventing the monstrous screams of my tiny son to be heard by all the world around me. That was Tuesday. My window did not get fixed until Friday. I drove around town with a screaming baby in the backseat for 3 days and just acted like nothing was wrong. Example:

I pulled up to a stoplight, next to a 50'ish woman in a nice little Audi, looking as though she'd never seen a poopy diaper in her life, much less ever talked to a child. It seems like I get a lot of unwanted advice from 50'ish women who think I'm carrying/talking to/rocking/feeding/changing/singing to/raising my baby ALL WRONG, despite having recognized my existence for about 4 seconds. I glanced over at her and to my dismay, her windows were down. And Trey was screaming this: "HELP ME!! MY MOM IS TORTURING ME! SHE CONFINES ME TO THIS SEAT, SINGS HORRIBLY OUT OF TUNE TO ME THE ENTIRE RIDE AND DANGLES TOYS JUST OUT OF MY REACH IN FRONT OF ME!" The woman stared at me for about 10 seconds, and then slid her sunglasses off her face, apparently trying to get a better look at me, baby torturer, and to possibly scheme an escape route for Trey.

At that moment, the light turned green and before she could open her mouth, I stepped on the gas and we were so out of there.

The adventure continues. It seems like as we barely get to where we are going, Trey is suddenly all smiles and to my dismay, has even been known to giggle at me when I come to a complete stop and ready myself to eject ourselves from the vehicle. It's getting a little tiny bit better, but he still shouts and screams awful things about me during car rides, and apparently, he still loves me at the end of the day.

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