Friday, August 29, 2008

Mmmmmm. Food.

Trey officially had his first taste of rice cereal Wednesday night, and was he ever ecstatic. He's been grabby when we eat dinner the past few weeks and practically salivates as we shovel food into our mouths, totally ignoring the hungry, desperate look in Trey's eyes. His dr. said if he starts showing signs of wanting to eat, then go ahead and give it to him.

I took a trip to the grocery store last night (during which Patrick called to tell me the timer on the oven was going off and what should he do, oh, also the timer woke the baby up, but that's a whole other story for another day) and grabbed a box of Earth's Best organic rice cereal. Mmmmmm. Sounds appetizing. Particularly when you add breast milk. But for a little one who hasn't yet experienced chocolate, General Tso's chicken, and blue cheese, rice cereal is an adventure in yummy land.

Here's how it went down:
I mixed the cereal. We got Trey all situated in his high chair. Daddy grabbed enchiladas for himself. Then the moment of truth. . .the spoon went towards the mouth, then in the mouth. Trey looked, well, pissed, really. Then kinda curious. Then smacked his lips together a little bit. Then SCREAMED for joy. He kept screaming until I gave him another bite. He was grabbing my hand that was holding the spoon, directing it towards his mouth, as if I needed his help. Laughter ensued, mixed with him screaming at me for not moving fast enough.

You can catch the whole show below :) well, minus the screaming. He had stopped that by the time we shot video.

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